Objects which to us are art

​Objects we wear or use frequently do gain a life from our focus, our care. And, through time, an object will say more, like a slim volume with few words but with expansive meaning. This is, to me, the power and danger, of being human. We can give life to the lifeless, but power to […]


  Writing is primarily signature and style, as in the very sentence could not have come from anyone else. Each writer should be also working at developing his or her own, style, if he or she wishes to be an idiom, and why would one swerve otherwhere. This style is beyond fashion although its scope […]


If it won’t let you mount it, try anyway. If it throws you off once, it happens. Twice, you should have been more prepared. Three times, joke is on you. Not use kicking a dead horse. You need one to hunt. Perhaps you should have been seeking completion in another wild animal, belonging to specific […]


June 24th will be seen as the day the after all American-obsessed British take Donald Trump’s Wall and drop it between themselves and Europe. Shocking. But we go where the wild blood flows. This ultimately means nothing to the flighty. We are all on this side together.

To weather the red storms

I like the weather. And then it changes. I don’t like the weather. And then it changes. It has been raining for over a week here in England. The rain makes one feel slightly tilted, somewhat wistful. It makes me feel restless. This restlessness is key to who I am. For example I remember an […]

With respect, to

Wrt to beauty little participation is required. You do little, but the little that need be done, stand back, and observe the miracle. In life you do everything leaving no margin for error. We often confuse the two. Monday. Still raining. The blackbird in the elm doesn’t care. I love life. I love rain. I […]

Immortal birds were once dinosaurs

Blackbird standing on a high branch or  chimney in the middle of the night, late afternoon, at dawn, at all times of the day you are singing so strangely Mr Blackbird, randomly, unexpectedly, as though you are the electronica artist of the birds, representing technology through nature thousands and thousands years old. And you are.


Growing old is rough. But stay on the side of the rewards and wisdom it brings. You are getting richer each day, as you are falling away. But it would not be poetic without the falling away, the living would be too unhinged, the art of life too aimless, the meaning of life too scattered […]