Cats and snakes

Cyprus is full of stray cats. This time of year is all about screaming cats and cats in heat and psycho cats and you do not want to mess with these cats. Not even Life Is Better With Betty, my dog, deigns. There’s a story that says that when Saint Helena reached Cyprus many centuries […]

A cat whisperer

I am a cat whisperer. It is a skill I picked up at nineteen, when I was stationed in an sentry post upon the green line, in Nicosia, Cyprus. The sentry post was shared with a silversmith, a small, strange man with eastern roots who melted and coated silver for jewelry, and mantelpiece decorations, and generally […]

Cat cuddles

That most of us want to cuddle cats, the coldest and most aloof of all animals, the most not-there of the kingdom, guarding their Ancient Egyptian mystery of the third eye, says a lot about the masochism of a person who ultimately has a human heart.


​ Cancer (June 20 – July 21) The recent full moon made you feel both powerful and vulnerable, a duality of feelings that strengthen eachother, an echo of the late June link of Jupiter and Pluto. You had been emasculated by Time’s luminous hands in broad daylight, and no bare-faced lies could have been used […]

The (Cat) Men In My Life

They are so tender, and sensitive, and often gullible, maybe even feminine, all the men in my life. Would I trade them all in for a good can of tuna? I have my moments. They require emptying, of the spaces they inhabit, of the thoughts in their heads, of the blood in their veins. It […]

Everyday is like Caturday

The men in my life are all beautiful, insane, beautifully insane and insanely beautiful. Emotionally and psychically they seem to be vacillating between those two (one?) pole as well. My role in all of this is photographer. Am I also seen? I believe so, yet not so important from the tailend of my purr.


I will not even go into how the Pharoahs viewed them as royalty. There is something infinitely mysterious about cats. This total beauty jumped out at me on my way to the local market. She was the horniest cat I have ever encountered. What a flirt! An indeed Caturday! ☺